The Team

Founded in 2013, Gryphon Robotics  - based in Crystal Springs Uplands School - has provided a student-run environment in which any high school student, regardless of prior experience, can gain exposure in the application of hands-on engineering, teamwork, and leadership by designing and building robots for the FIRST Robotics Competition. The team mentors middle school students and provides a co-curricular opportunity for students passionate about STEM, bolstering the existing classroom curriculum. We are a student-run team, designing, manufacturing, and constructing the robot ourselves. All decisions about design, construction, as well as all other team matters, are made by Gryphon Robotics’ student members.  

As a team, we continue to be impressed by how welcoming and helpful other teams are at competition and fully embrace FIRST’s mantra of Gracious Professionalism. We currently reach out to other FRC teams in our area, sharing design tips and other advice. In the future, we plan to continue providing STEM experiences and spreading the core values of FIRST; expanding our reach in our immediate community as well as the FRC as a whole.
